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Matter Athletica Services
- Available OnlineRead More
Book a chat with our head coach Ben Mayfield-Smith and pitch your goal & ideas
1 hr
1 hr
1 hr
80 Australian dollars1 hr
150 Australian dollars1 hr
60 Australian dollars1 hr
119 Australian dollars
What is online coaching?Online coaching is a remote-based coaching service that provides personalized guidance, programming, support and community via a coach who is contactable online, and who provides online check ins and delivery of coaching through a downloadable application.
How do I prep with Matter Athletica?Simply begin by booking in a free consult with our headcoach, as listed above in the services. From here, you will have a great and indepth, as well as insightful discussion with our Head Coach, Ben Mayfield-Smith. A seasoned veteran at taking clients not only to stage, but assisting in the transition of post-comp back to a sustainable and healthy life.
Is online suitable for beginners?Absolutely, you wont be left on your own. We have two highly skilled coaches who will meet you where you are at with your current level of knowledge and guide you along the road to understanding your goals, nutrition and programming. Not a single client who has entered Matter Athletica has felt isolated in the pursuit of their goals. With a huge quantity of free and helpful resources in the client app, and coach check ins, you will find great success along your journey, even if this is the first time you have ever worked with a coach.
What do I need to get started?The beauty of online coaching is that we will work with you, meet you with where you are at and the time and resources you have available that can assist towards your goal.
Do you use coaching templates or is it personalised?We will spend the necessary time mapping out your path to get started once we have had the initial consult with you. You will be given your iniital client set up forms and a profile so we can tailor towards not just your physical goals, but better understand how you work mentally too towards goals. This approach then leads to a customised program and access to your own coaching portal in the client app. Here you will see your targets, daily behaviours/tasks to check off, and your program. Your check ins from your coach will also be sent in here too.
What if I have Questions In Between Checkins?You can access your coach privately on Whatsapp Messenger and ask questions, provide form video checks, or concerns you have and your coach will respond as soon as possible in that day. There is a note section in your daily program too where you can take notes that you want your coach to see in your checkin for that week that may be related to your current session so you don't forget.
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