Challenge Yourself To More in 2024
Don't get stuck repeating the same New Year's challenge again. Why? Because none of them get deep enough behind the "WHY" of what you want to change, and the mechanism of behavior change is rarely taught in a way that creates long-lasting results and habit change.
Statistically 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% quit by the end of January. So, we know the model that we currently attempt each year is flawed. The psychology of performance and human behavior Matters.
Meet the Matter Method of approach.

New to Matter Athletica?
Take a moment to download the yearbook of everything we did in 2023. Packed full of achievements and our client shout-outs and highlights, keep an eye out for the Matter Maverick story in the yearbook, our Body Builder who assessed the depth of his dreams and turned into an Australian Fighter Pilot.